2025 Membership Fees
Membership fees are due from 1st Jan 2025, and, must be paid by 31st Jan 2025
Family Member - £82 Adult Member - £76 Senior Member (over 65) - £45
Junior Member - £20 Associate Member - £42 Senior Family (over 65) - £48
Guest Fees - £2
We would be grateful if you would let us have your email address. This will only be used for these Newsletters, or if we need to contact you urgently. Thank you.
ALL Boat owners, please contact the Boatswain, (Graham Jewell), or a member of the Committee, BEFORE, bringing boats into, or out of the Canal or Compound!
All boats whether on a mooring, in the canal or compound must have an in date valid certificate of insurance which must be produced when asked for.
Compound fees are £40 per plot, p.c.m. (for first year after that there will be a yearly increase and permission must be obtained from the Committee as per rule book)
Canal fees are £20 p.c.m. (for first year after that there will be a yearly increase and permission must be obtained from the Committee as per rule book)
Nb. For Compound and Canal Over 1 year it will be a multiple of original monthly fee as set by the Committee.
Dingy and Kayak Fee is £55 per year, up to 10 feet long. Over this size will be set by the committee!
All the above fees are payable 1 month in advance!
Outboard Store is £35 per year, or, £45 per year for a corner cage, Boxes and Lockers £12 per year
Gantry lift £10 each way (ie in and out is £20 (This is to be paid before use of Gantry)
Mooring Fees cost will be listed in March and are due on 1st April 2025, and must be paid by 30th April 2025.
A valid insurance certificate must be shown.
Any mooring unpaid by this date, or any “Unused” moorings, may be re-allocated by the Committee
The committee reserve the right to change these charges.